Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Census: A Rant

I can’t say much, what with the confidentiality thing. But I will say this: some of you people are rude!

I’ve been yelled at and had the door slammed in my face too many times. I’ve had people ignore my genuine “thanks” and “goodbyes” and pretend like I don’t exist anymore. Worse, I’ve had people yell and then sarcastically say “thank you” before slamming the door in my face. WTF?

People, can you try to separate your negative feelings towards the government or whatever, and realize that I am a regular person like you. And I’m just trying to do my job while being polite and cheerful. And you should be embarrassed at how you treat me.

That’s all I can hope for, I guess: realization on your part. I get the urge to egg your house or write you a really mean note. But that passes. When I first started, I would replay the conversation over and over and tell you exactly how I felt. Now I fume for a few minutes and then move on to the next house. It's not my fault you're a jerk.

And not all of you are jerks. I appreciate all you kind people who go out of your way to help me. And who commiserate with me over having to work evenings and weekends in this freakish heat and humidity.

And I guess I should be glad I have a job at all. I only wish I’d run into some of you (Especially you, lady. You know who you are.) at the grocery store or church. I would say, oh yeah, I remember you. You were really rude.


  1. I appreciate you, young person; whoever you are. Many of the people you find are people who have no self-respect, or anything alse for that matter. Many probably envy you for just the fact that you are employed and they are not. Don't let losers dressed as ranking members of the great society get to you.

  2. Thank you. Whoever you, you are really kind. And you're right.


thanks for your comment!
(good or bad. i can take it.)