Saturday, September 5, 2009

And so it continues...

The ill-fated job hunt.

I'm sorry. So many people tell me this is my problem. It is not ill-fated. I will find a job. I believe in myself. I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggonit, people like me.

Corona-Norco Unified School District has me on their sub list. I'm ready to go with my crossword puzzles, word searches, mazes and riddles. All I need is to find that perfect bingo game.

Borders has my resume. And the memory of my smiling, competent face. I hope.

About 15 Web and print publications have my resume and writing samples.

Americorps has my application and references...

And the hope fades as the days pass without an e-mail or a phone call.

Wait, I did get one e-mail. An online marketing company I contacted told me that they had filled the position, but they kindly suggested a Web site to find freelance work.
So I go to this Web site...
And fill out some personal information...

It turns out it's a gimmick to get me to pay $29.95 to join a freelancer database. Probably a company this jerk markets for.
Thanks jerk.

When I'm not looking for a job or lamenting my sorry state, I'm taking a Photoshop class (hence the above, sorry, Stuart Smalley knockoff) at the community college, and I will soon start the Iyengar yoga teacher training course at UCR extension.



  1. Dido. I've been looking left and right, and nothing even industry-related. Sad face.

  2. hi. how about posting employment queries with county, state and fed.govt. offices?


thanks for your comment!
(good or bad. i can take it.)